Sunday, January 22, 2006

Force as a Political Tool

(note, this is intended to speak to the idea of Force in a political context, and not in the context of law enforcement)

Lethal force and coercion are unacceptable when used as political tools to implement and enforce policy within a country.

Lethal force and coercion are acceptable only to establish and enforce a system of equitable democracy. One person, one vote, and all have an equal chance to be heard.

When a system for creating public policy becomes corrupt, it is incumbent upon those who wish to change the system to first work within it, and give that system a reasonable chance to do its work. Only when all lawful methods of systemic change have been tried and have failed should a patriot consider the use of force to correct the corruption of the system.

A patriot puts the system and its integrity before their own policy and ideology. A patriot never corrupts the system to advance their own policy. A true patriot ensures the system is fair and equitable, and then works within it to effect their policy, letting that policy stand or fall on its own merits.

History is filled with examples of revolutions that began with a call for systemic reform, but which ended with the revolutionaries giving in to temptation and using their power to enact policy. The communist movement of the early twentieth century is an example of this. What started as systemic revolutions became policy revolutions. Iran is also a good example of a policy revolution and the negative effects such actions inevitably have on a country. In one case a secular revolution, another a revolution based in religion, in both cases we see countries plunged into tyranny and oppression.

Policy revolutions inevitably end in abject failure, and leave the country in a state of ruin and chaos.

In global history, one true systemic revolution stands head and shoulders above the rest. This is, of course, the first American civil war against the British crown. Due to the exceptional patriotism and devotion to Natural Philosophy of the Founding Fathers, a system was created into which an incredible spectrum of policy could fit. Over two centuries, this system has grown more robust and equitable, shedding its roadblocks to democracy rather than face a revolution in force.

The one significant attempt at a policy revolution against the government failed, for the same reasons that all policy revolutions must fail eventually.

The dawn of the twenty first century sees the seeds of systemic corruption once again planted in the United States. It is the duty of the Patriot to ensure these seeds are not given a chance to grow.


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